High Quality Concrete Pools
At SpringLake Pools, we have an incredibly high standard for quality. With that in mind, we cannot truthfully fool ourselves into believing that constructing a fiberglass or vinyl liner pool in our customers’ backyards can be considered a ‘quality job’. It is for this reason alone that we have stopped building those types of pools and now solely specialize in concrete.
We begin every build precisely designing and measuring each angle and arc of a pool to scale – utilizing industry-leading architectural design software coupled with 40 years of combined design experience, our crew will know exactly where the pool is going and how it’s going to look before they even get to the site. In addition to using lasers to measure elevation, manual tools to finely shape the pool outline, and introducing triple-reinforced steel rebar into the frame (twice, for security) – we go every extra mile we can to assure quality throughout all our projects.